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IGNOU BPY 1 Solved Assignment 2023 2024
Rs. 50

IGNOU BPY 1 2023 2024 Solution

IGNOU BPY 1 2023 2024 Solution
Rs. 50

Last Date of Submission of IGNOU BPY-01 (BDP) 2023-24 Assignment is for January 2023 Session: 30th September, 2023 (for December 2023 Term End Exam).
Semester Wise
January 2023 Session:
30th March, 2024 (for June 2024 Term End Exam).
July 2023 Session: 30th September, 2023 (for December 2023 Term End Exam).

Title Nameignou BPY 1 solved assignment 2023 2024
TypeSoft Copy (E-Assignment) .pdf
Course CodeBDP
Course NameBachelor Degree Programmes
Subject CodeBPY 1
Subject NameIndian Philosophy: Part I
Year2023 2024
LanguageEnglish Medium
Assignment CodeBPY-01/Assignmentt-1//2023-24
Product DescriptionAssignment of BDP (Bachelor Degree Programmes) 2023-24. Latest BPY 01 2023-24 Solved Assignment Solutions
Last Date of IGNOU Assignment Submission
Last Date of Submission of IGNOU BPY-01 (BDP) 2023-24 Assignment is for January 2023 Session: 30th September, 2023 (for December 2023 Term End Exam).
Semester Wise
January 2023 Session:
30th March, 2024 (for June 2024 Term End Exam).
July 2023 Session: 30th September, 2023 (for December 2023 Term End Exam).

Assignment CodeBPY 1/2023 2024
Rs. 50
Questions Included in this Help Book

Ques 1.

Write an essay on the problem of sat and asat in vaidik (Veda and Upanishads) philosophy.

Ques 2.

What is the meaning of Tajjalan? Figure out some philosophical implications of Tajjalaniti

Ques 3.

Do you think that unity in diversity is the central idea of Upanishads? Support your answer with suitable arguments.

Ques 4.

Explain and evaluate Buddhist idea of pratityasamutpada.

Ques 5.

Discuss the idea of “tattvamasi.”

Ques 6.

How does vaidik philosophy describe Rta as a cosmological and moral principle?

Ques 7.

Evaluate anekantavada.

Ques 8.

How does Charvaka refute inference? Evaluate Charvaka’s arguments against inference

Ques 9.

Write short note on vaidik gods.

Ques 10.

Write short essay on the subject matter of Atharveda

Ques 11.

Differentiate Epistemological approaches of Vaibhashika and Sautantrika School of Buddhism

Ques 12.

Write an essay on Philosophical insights of Chhandogya Upanishad.

Ques 13.

Write an essay on four noble truth.

Ques 14.

Discuss the concept of Bliss as depicted in Taittiriya Upanishad.

Ques 15.

Samatva Manobhava (equanimity of mind)

Ques 16.


Ques 17.


Ques 18.


Ques 19.

Para Vidya

Ques 20.


Ques 21.


Ques 22.

Pudgala in Jain Philosophy

Ques 23.

What is definition? Explain different kinds of definitions. Briefly explain the limit to define something.

Ques 24.

What is induction? Write a note on the problems with induction.

Ques 25.

Differentiate between formal and informal fallacies. Write a note on different kinds of informal fallacies.

Ques 26.

What is reasoning? Differentiate between inductive and deductive reasoning

Ques 27.

Differentiate between constructive and simple dilemma with examples

Ques 28.

Write a note on square of opposition.

Ques 29.

If ‘All nations are democratic country.’ is true. Determine the truth-value of the followings and state the relation with the given statement

Ques 30.

No nations are democratic country

Ques 31.

Some nations are not democratic country.

Ques 32.

Some nations are not non-democratic country

Ques 33.

No democratic country is nation

Ques 34.

Some non-nations are democratic country.

Ques 35.

What are the limits of Aristotelian logic? Do you think that symbolic logic sorts out the problems of Aristotelian logic?

Ques 36.

What is implication?

Ques 37.

Write a short essay on existential import.

Ques 38.

How dilemma can be avoided?

Ques 39.

What is logic?

Ques 40.

Differentiate between Universal Generalization and Existential Generalization

Ques 41.

Write a short essay on the relation between Logic and language.

Ques 42.

Fallacy of redundant definition

Ques 43.

The Stroke Function

Ques 44.

Modus Ponens

Ques 45.

Hypothetical Proposition

Ques 46.

Analytic a-priori

Ques 47.

Truth value

Ques 48.


Ques 49.

Fallacy of Undistributed middle term

Ques 50.

Explain Plato’s idea of state. How does Plato criticize the idea democracy?

Ques 51.

Evaluate Socratic Methods

Ques 52.

Discuss and evaluate Stoic’s Idea of god. O

Ques 53.

“Contemplation is perfect happiness”. Explain

Ques 54.

Empedocles’ idea of cosmogony.

Ques 55.

“Everything is in flux.” What are the arguments given by Heraclitus to prove this thesis?

Ques 56.

Write a note on Zeno’s paradox

Ques 57.

Write an essay on theory of knowledge as advocated by Atomists

Ques 58.

“Virtue is knowledge.” Analyze.

Ques 59.

Write an essay on Boethius’ distinction between random chance and human choice.

Ques 60.

How Augustine proves the relation between faith and reason?

Ques 61.

Write an essay on Aquinas’s idea of God.

Ques 62.

Write an essay on Aristotle’s idea of substance.

Ques 63.

What are the characteristics of Jewish philosophy? Discuss.

Ques 64.

Write a note on Pythagorean Concept of Soul.

Ques 65.

Ockham’s razor

Ques 66.

Dialectic method

Ques 67.

Greek philosophy

Ques 68.


Ques 69.

Final Cause

Ques 70.

Realm of the intangible

Ques 71.

Scholastic philosophy

Ques 72.

Allegory of cave

Ques 73.

What is religion? Differentiate between philosophy of religion and theology

Ques 74.

Discuss and evaluate Emile Durkheim’s Sociological perspective of religion.

Ques 75.

Discuss psychological perspective of religion.

Ques 76.

Discuss Freud conception of religious practices as neurotic

Ques 77.

Compare Exclusivist and inclusivist approaches of religious experience.

Ques 78.

Discuss Carl Jung’s psychological perspective of religion

Ques 79.

How John Hick use Wittgenstein’s philosophy to show the irreducibility of religious experience? Discuss.

Ques 80.

Discuss Islamic metaphysics.

Ques 81.

Write a note on the philosophical implications of four noble truths

Ques 82.

How Christian Philosophy proves Bible as the word of God?

Ques 83.

What is apaurusheyata?

Ques 84.

Explain the idea of salvation in Sikhism

Ques 85.

How Confucian Philosophy describe Human? Evaluate.

Ques 86.

“Tao is indescribable.” Describe.

Ques 87.

Evaluate the idea of Spirit Mediumship.

Ques 88.

Monotheistic idea of Moses

Ques 89.


Ques 90.


Ques 91.


Ques 92.


Ques 93.


Ques 94.


Ques 95.


Rs. 50

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